can dogs eat peach

Can a Dog Eat Peaches? Everything You Need to Know

Peaches are one of the most delicious and juicy fruits that are widely available during summer time. They can be a good substitute for cold drinks, ice-cream, or any other processed food that you can buy from the supermarket during hot weather conditions if served cold.

Even though peaches can be a good source of food for human beings, have you ever wondered if they can be equally beneficial for your dogs? Let’s find out!

Can Peach be Beneficial for Dogs?

Most foods consumed by human beings may not be a good source of food for dogs, especially fruits. However, peach can be an exception due to its richness in valuable nutrients like vitamins and minerals which can be quite healthy for your furry friends. They contain:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E & K
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants
  • Potassium
  • Carbohydrates ( 87% )
  • Fats ( 5% )
  • Proteins ( 8% )
  • Niacin
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Fluoride

Peaches are rich in carbohydrates and filled with a plethora of minerals and vitamins like any other juicy summer fruit. They contain vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant in the body and also helps to repair worn out tissues. In the last couple of years, scientists have found out that naturally formed antioxidants are good for the body than the synthetic ones which can turn out to be quite dangerous for your dog.

A lot of chemical reactions go on inside every living being, including dogs on a regular basis. However, these chemical reactions give off substances called free radicals which create collisions and harm the other cells present in the body. Antioxidants help to get rid of these free radicals and reduce the speed of these collisions in the body. They also help to prevent the growth of different cancerous cells (including cancer in the oral cavity) and improve the immune system.

Peaches contain fibers, vitamin A, potassium, niacin, and plenty of other minerals which are highly beneficial for dogs and also helps to keep a low-calorie count. Livers and kidneys also function properly due to the presence of these nutrients which wash away all the toxins present in the body.

High dietary fiber is beneficial for their digestive system and hence it is a great choice of snack after an exercise or as an occasional treat. The presence of proteins helps to heal their wounds and repair their tissue. Vitamin C also helps to prevent skin infections in dogs and keeps their skin in good and healthy condition.

Why is Peach Bad for Your Pup?

Dogs are carnivores who like to have fats and proteins in their diet. You will see that while creating a diet chart for a dog, most pet owners tend to follow the 90/10 rule. This is a very important rule because their diet should contain 90% of their regular dog food (fats & proteins) and only 10% of occasional treats.

Most dogs, however, do not like the taste of fruits and are unable to digest it. But if your dog likes having a few slices of fruits like peaches as an occasional treat, you must be very lucky. However, you should be aware that there are a few things you need to know before feeding them this summertime fruit.

Related Post: Dog Treats

Peaches contain pits which contain a substance called amygdalin. This is a sugar-cyanide compound which can poison your pup if consumed in large numbers. Peach stones have a rough and harsh surface which can also cause intestinal and throat injuries when consumed. When chewed on, your pup can also hurt his/her teeth and jaw.

Fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets usually contain toxic chemicals and pesticides. If you feed unwashed peach to your dog, they can get extremely sick and you will need to rush to the vet immediately. The leaves and stems are also harmful to your dog because they too contain small amounts of cyanide. Consuming more than one or two slices of peach can also lead to diarrhea, vomiting and gastrointestinal upset in pups.

How Will You Serve Them?

It is always a good idea to consult your vet before giving your dog any kind of ‘human’ food. You may not know what might turn out to be harmful to your pooch. They might even be allergic to the stuff you want to feed them. So talk to the vet before treating them because dogs cannot digest all the foods that humans can. Also, whenever you feed them something new, look out for any kind of allergic reactions, digestive disorders, rashes or vomiting tendencies. Consult a doctor immediately if they fall sick after consumption and cancel that specific item out of their diet.

However, as long as you are providing them with peaches as an occasional treat or as a rare in-between snack, you are good to go. Peaches contain a large amount of carbohydrates and fibers. When consumed in great amounts, it can cause digestive disorders including diarrhea. Hence, you need to take care of the quantity you are providing them with. If you are unsure, you can always ask for help from a vet. He/she will let you know about the actual quantity your dog can consume because tastes and habits differ from one dog to another.

While buying peaches from the supermarket, make sure you buy the fresh ones. Do not serve rotten peaches to your dog which will be harmful to his/her health. Before serving the peaches, wash it thoroughly because most fruits available in the market are grown in places which put harmful pesticides and chemicals for faster growth and preservation. Take your time to wash it and remove the stems and leaves if present. Afterward, slice it up in small pieces so that they can consume it more easily. You don’t want your pup to engulf an entire peach because it can block their throat completely causing them to choke.

You’d also want to get rid of the peach stones thoroughly because they are sharp, hard and can injure the internal organs if consumed. The pits contain amygdalin which is a compound of sugar cyanide. Huge consumption of the peach stones can be lethal for your dog as it contains cyanide.

Is Processed or Canned Peach Safe for Your Pup?

Even though canned peaches do not contain pits, it is still not recommended by vets (Not even as an occasional treat). Never feed processed or canned peaches to your doggo because they have preservatives added and contain more sugar than the actual fruit. High intake of sugar can cause digestive disorders and he/she will need to be treated by the vet immediately.

Is Growing a Peach Garden a Good Idea?

If you have dogs or any other pet animal at home, it is not a good idea to grow peach trees in your backyard or garden. You should always keep them away from peach trees because chewing on the cyanide-containing stems and leaves can poison your pup. However, if you are very fond of peaches, you can create barriers or fences around the trees to prevent your dog from going near it.

You should also place a trash can somewhere around the tree so that people don’t throw the peach stones on the floor after eating them. Throwing them on the floor can also hurt their paws due to the sharpness of the pits. This will also prevent your pup from eating them and hurting their internal organs. Hence the use of a trash can will keep your dog safe and happy.


Bottom Line

As a parent, it is your duty to take care of your pup at all times. That’s why you should take them to the vet on a regular basis and consult them before feeding new treats to your dog. Always keep in mind that their digestive system is different from yours and restrict yourself and others from giving those treats which can be harmful.


  1. Hanie Elfenbein, DVM, 6 Dangers of Stone Fruits for Dogs, PetMD
  2. Laura Cross, Worst Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs, Vetstreet

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